Sur Beach House

Seafood Restaurants at Medano Beach Cabo San Lucas in Los Cabos Mexico

If you are at Medano Beach, there is one place not to be missed, it is Sur Beach House Restaurant at Medano Beach Cabo San Lucas in Los Cabos Mexico, in this restaurant you will find wonderful scents that will make your trip or vacation unique and unbeatable in .

Sur Beach House Los Cabos

When we are on vacation we prefer to have pleasant and unforgettable experiences, to be relaxed, to do what we love the most, or to just relax on beautiful beaches, but we can’t do it on an empty stomach.

The menu includes Mexican flavors to appreciate the rich culture of the country and the surrounding area, especially if you are a lover of good liquors, there is a wonderful bar with the best liquors in the region, always served by the best professionals.

Sur Beach House Medano Cabo San Lucas

It also offers seafood specialties such as seafood, tropical and completely innovative flavors that will keep you coming back time and time again.

They serve fusion food perfectly, thanks to their excellent food and service, this restaurant has won the approval of all visitors and received very good reviews and reviews.

On Beach House Los Cabos, located on Avenida El Pescador s/n  El Medano, Cabo San Lucas Mexico 23453, you can contact the restaurant on +52 624 143 1890.

It has a certificate of excellence due to the good quality of the services and the food and drinks offered.

It is ranked 58th out of 294 Mexican restaurants in Cabo San Lucas and 96th out of 563 restaurants.

In the years 2018-2019, he became the winner of the certificate of excellence.

The price of their products ranges from $ 5 to $ 35.

If you opt for a lifestyle that does not consume animal products, the full menu includes Special diets consisting of several options:

  • Vegetarian
  • Vegan
  • Gluten free options

Feel free to inquire about the options available during the day.

Sur Beach Los Cabos is located just 1 mile from El Arco de Los Cabos.

This place is ideal for all types of travelers. Whether it’s families, couples, singles, executives or a large group of friends, the ambience is perfect for any occasion.

At Beach House Los Cabos welcomes all types of visitors, even those who speak a different language, there are staff who can serve clients who speak English, French or Spanish.

Sur Beach House Restaurant Medano Beach Cabo San Lucas Los Cabos Mexico Map

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